Reiki courses and levels
Reiki 1

Reiki 1 basic course is the most important step.
You do not need any prior knowledge to participate. Reiki cannot be learned intellectually, one is initiated/opened to the energy. The knowledge must be experienced and lived.
The course is about opening up to the energy, and through various practical exercises getting to know and integrating Reiki.
The course is approximately 12 hours, usually over 2 days.
Through 4 activation processes (initiations), Reiki is activated in the body and hands.
You learn the basic methods of Reiki.
After the course, all participants can use Reiki for self-treatment and, if desired, also give Reiki to family and friends.
Many people experience a positive change in their lives after activating reiki.
NOK 3,300
Reiki 2

På Reiki 2 kurset får du tilgang til tre reikisymboler (energistrukturer) som fungerer som nøkler til forskjellige aspekter i KI, livskraften. En vei til den skjulte kunnskapen vi alle er en del av.
Det holder ikke å lese seg til kunnskapen, den aktiveres i deg av en Reikimester. Kunnskapen lever i livskraften og må derfor leves for å virke.
Symbolene og teknikkene du lærer på Reiki 2, er verktøy som hjelper deg å jobbe direkte med temaer du ønsker å fokusere på.
Reiki 2 teknikkene er kraftfulle hjelpemidler i din personlige utvikling. Du lærer ‘å sende’ Reiki; forskjellige effektive måter å bruke Reiki i det daglige, og en svært forsterket egenbehandling.
Det er mye informasjon på et Reiki 2 kurs, det er ca 15 timer jeg som regel lar gå over 3 dager.
Det anbefales også å få med seg workshops… Øvelse gjør mester!
Det er anbefalt at det går to til tre måneder mellom grunnkurs (Reiki 1) og videregående kurs (Reiki 2) for å integrere energier og ny kunnskap.
Det anbefales at det går minst seks måneder mellom Reiki 2 og Reiki 3A kurset. Reiki 2 kurset (og gjerne Reiki 1) bør repeteres minst en gang før Reiki 3A.
kr 6.000,-
Reiki 3

Before you can participate in the Reiki 3A course, you must go through an interview so that both you and the teacher know that all previously learned knowledge and experience are integrated, and that it is the right time for you to move on.
The course lasts three full days. On this course, you get access to a fourth symbol, and you learn more advanced techniques.
Reiki 3A is direct work in the heart chakra and promotes personal growth and development to a high degree. After finishing the course, you can decide whether you want to go on to the reiki master training.
Reiki 3A is not repeated until you are a reiki master and bring your own student who has taken both reiki 1 and reiki 2 with you
NOK 13,000
Reiki master and
Reiki master teacher

The Reiki master training takes a minimum of one year and qualifies you to teach/hold courses in Reiki 1 and Reiki 2.
As a Reiki master student, you follow a written guide in addition to the other tasks you are given.
You get to know yourself thoroughly on all levels and get good practice in both the practical and energy work required to hold reiki 1 and reiki 2 courses.
You can become a Reiki master teacher when you have worked as a Reiki master for at least two years, have extensive experience in teaching Reiki and have led students who want to take Reiki 3A through your own Reiki 1 and 2 courses.
You must have repeated reiki 3A with 4 students who have taken both reiki 1 and reiki 2 with you.
Once you have graduated as a Reiki Master Teacher, you are qualified to teach Reiki at all levels.
Contact us for more information / registration.